Tuesday, July 16, 2019

14th of July

have you ever stopped and wondered
what it would be to stop time; or just pause it 

like sivaji does in paatum naane bhavamum naane
when my music stops the world grinds to a halt
and action movies becomes still life paintings

do it then, as federer serves for the match
when i arch my back and raise my arms and 
bend my knees and toss the ball

do it then, after the finger moves but before it writes
do it then, after the trigger's pressed but before gunfire
do it then, in that limbo between salivation and sensation
do it then, before time travels from anticipation to conclusion  

do it then, while i get a whiff of heaven
do it then, before the dream's wakeful dead
do it now, and keep doing it  again
pause, rewind, play ... but not the bitter end

1 comment:

Gowri Mohanakrishnan said...

'...that limbo between salivation and sensation' - a line to be savoured.