Monday, August 09, 2021

the bedspread

opportunity came
i rush to open 
the door
trip over my
wildest dreams
fall headlong
to the floor

in a mist, eerie
yet to clear
a voice, softly 
in my head
opportunity, it's
fool's gold!
better prone lying
than wakeful dead 
rip, a lifetime 
in bed spent
sleeping beauty too
serenely bedspread
opportunity came
handsome prince
or kiss of death?




1 comment:

Gowri Mohanakrishnan said...

Alas how times have changed. They used to say 'How do you do', and and you were not supposed to answer, but ask politely, 'How do you do?'
Now they won't let you _be_ if you don't have a 'good' answer to 'What do you do?'.